Sunday, July 21, 2013

Quick Ways For your body to be higher

Quick way we become a higher order Quick Ways To us into higher factors affecting height: 
1. Enough Nutrition. Make sure we are the adequacy of protein, fat, vitamins (such as vitamins A and D) and minerals (such as iron, calcium, zinc and iodine) because it affects the body elevation. 
2. Heredity factors also determine a person's height. Parents who have ideal height unlock the potential of children with a high pick anyway. 
3. Growth hormone stimulates bone growth function. Thyroid hormone is needed to expedite the process in metabolisme. Sex hormone, which is made up of the hormones estrogen, progesterone and androgen, in charge of the process of sexual maturation. 
4. Environmental support. Lack of immunization, adequate affection and economic needs can affect appetite, health needs.  

So the process was inhibited elevation of the body. Activities that can optimize height 
1. Stretching: stretching movements. So bone-lengthening spine interested. If the motion is carried out regularly and intensively, it can help stimulate the addition of long-bone spine. 

2. Hanging: dependent with both hands. This movement is very stimulating bone-lengthening spine. 

3. Kicking: kicked right foot. This movement stimulates the growth of bones of the foot that extends optimal. 

4. Cycling: cycling can stimulate the length of the foot. Tread the pedal is flat, not tiptoe. Backs straight, not bent. If every day of cycling in the distance, can help stimulate the length of the foot. 

5. Swim: At the time swimming, stretching the whole body suffered from body to toe. In addition, the swimming motions involve almost all the muscles of the body. 

6. Basketball or volleyball very well stimulate the growth of the body. because the body often leaps upward. Springboard against gravity, causing stretching the entire body. 
I hope the above tips can increase your confidence with a higher body.

How to stain acne naturally

How to Eliminate Acne Scars and Black Spots Naturally Getting Rid of Acne Scars and Natural Acne Dark Spot is always a headache and lack of confidence.Once you eliminate acne paya lengths, then you are still going to mess around with acne scars are also difficult to remove.Before continuing to discuss tips to remove acne, it's good to know that acne scars are not as quoted on the pages following Boldsky. So that no trace Do not Solve Acne Acne How not recommended for acne scars is to not break the acne.If solved then the acne will leave scars on the skin, this is because the layer of damaged skin as pimples solved. Not only that, the sap of acne fractions generally contain bacteria that lead to other parts exposed to the sap to make another pimple appears. Avoid direct sunlight a day When your acne is best to avoid direct sun rays.Ultraviolet excess will have a direct impact on the skin that are recovering from acne. This is because the skin tissue that is formed is thin and prone to ultraviolet. Diligently clean your face with clean water to help keep the water very credible for the regeneration of skin moisture. To prevent acne scars arise, it's good to wash your face at least twice a day.But do not wash your face when you've finished traveling, because when the skin is still in hot conditions after being exposed to the weather during the day and then immediately wash with water it will be bad, like a glass of hot water and then exposed to cold water given.Let stand for a moment to adjust the skin condition, then wash face with clean water and cool. Eliminating Acne Scars1. Using Tomato Tomato Generally known as a kitchen, but make no mistake, tomatoes can also help remove acne scars. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A vitamin that is very useful to stimulate collagen. Collagen is the substance of the body itself plays an important role in the formation of skin. Thinly sliced ​​tomatoes and paste on the face for 10-15 minutes.2. Using Papaya How to remove acne scars this one is pretty easy to do, is take advantage of papaya fruit. Papaya is widely used as a beauty ingredient. Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that can reduce inflammation. Its use can be directly consumed or used as a mask. The use of papaya to remove acne scars is used as a mask. The papaya mask can open clogged pores, removes oil and skin cells are already dead. is easy enough, apply mashed papaya has to face up to dry, let selama15-20 minutes, then rinse with water until clean.3. Egg white Egg white and honey good for the development of the muscles of the body, but the egg white can also remove acne scars. So it is with honey, this miraculous compound always used for various treatments. In order to get the maximum results then combine the two materials. The trick, tersebt egg white mixed with honey, then apply on the acne scars routinely and regularly. The key to success in removing acne scars is located on each individual. By doing the above methods are routinely and regularly then the results obtained will be satisfactory. But if it is done half-heartedly, then the result is not satisfactory, do not even seem to changeI hope the above tips can be useful for those of you who have acne blemishes in wajah.semoga useful.