Sunday, July 21, 2013

Quick Ways For your body to be higher

Quick way we become a higher order Quick Ways To us into higher factors affecting height: 
1. Enough Nutrition. Make sure we are the adequacy of protein, fat, vitamins (such as vitamins A and D) and minerals (such as iron, calcium, zinc and iodine) because it affects the body elevation. 
2. Heredity factors also determine a person's height. Parents who have ideal height unlock the potential of children with a high pick anyway. 
3. Growth hormone stimulates bone growth function. Thyroid hormone is needed to expedite the process in metabolisme. Sex hormone, which is made up of the hormones estrogen, progesterone and androgen, in charge of the process of sexual maturation. 
4. Environmental support. Lack of immunization, adequate affection and economic needs can affect appetite, health needs.  

So the process was inhibited elevation of the body. Activities that can optimize height 
1. Stretching: stretching movements. So bone-lengthening spine interested. If the motion is carried out regularly and intensively, it can help stimulate the addition of long-bone spine. 

2. Hanging: dependent with both hands. This movement is very stimulating bone-lengthening spine. 

3. Kicking: kicked right foot. This movement stimulates the growth of bones of the foot that extends optimal. 

4. Cycling: cycling can stimulate the length of the foot. Tread the pedal is flat, not tiptoe. Backs straight, not bent. If every day of cycling in the distance, can help stimulate the length of the foot. 

5. Swim: At the time swimming, stretching the whole body suffered from body to toe. In addition, the swimming motions involve almost all the muscles of the body. 

6. Basketball or volleyball very well stimulate the growth of the body. because the body often leaps upward. Springboard against gravity, causing stretching the entire body. 
I hope the above tips can increase your confidence with a higher body.


  1. Thanks for sharing. I hope it will be helpful for too many people that are searching for this topic. Keep posting and keep this forum a great place to learn things.
