Saturday, May 14, 2011

6 Steps sharpshooter stop smoking

There are a million reasons and benefits you need to quit smoking. You need to know the benefits of quitting smoking can be directly felt by the body. For example, within 20 minutes after smoking, blood pressure and your pulse rate return to normal. 
After three days of not smoking, nicotine is no longer detectable in the blood, the sense of smell returns to normal, and you can breathe more easily. Within 2 to 12 weeks after smoking cessation complete, the circulation in various parts of your body will be gradually improved.After that, the body will feel more fit and healthy. Intend to quit smoking, but it still does not work, try this way!


1. Begin to reduce the desire to smoke. A strong desire (duration of 2-3 minutes) usually occurs several hours after your last cigarette spending. Indeed, the drive was only briefly, but the moments that are key to quit smoking.Try doing an activity to eliminate desire, for example, take a deep breath, stand and walk for a while, stretch your hands, drink a glass of water or fruit juice.


2. Chile can reduce the desire to smoke. Actually, there is no food that can quit smoking just like that. But, if to take your mind off smoking, spicy food is worth a try.


3. If you want to quit smoking, stop completely. Do not reduce the number of stems, or switch to a lighter cigarette nicotine (mild). Because, it makes replacement more mild cigarettes smoked in, and absorb more nicotine into the lungs.


4. Do not force quitting smoking in the holidays, as it will make your life more difficult when starting again to routine activities. Instead, start stop smoking in the workplace.


5. Before getting your period, you do not have to quit smoking. You see, if you are experiencing stomach cramps or moody, a greater desire to smoke.


6. Invite your spouse, friends, and family not to smoke around you. Say, it is one form of support for them so that you can stop


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