Tuesday, July 5, 2011

tips to overcome cracked heel

Having beautiful feet is a dream for every woman but for men it is also important.
What happens when the
cracked heel experienced by you must have your feet will not be beautiful anymore.

in this article Vit4u Blog will share tips to overcome the
cracked heel with natural ingredients that are very easy in the can.

okay just let us see his tips below: 

At first, prepare warm water that had added salt and soak your feet in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. Do not forget to clean your feet first yes. during soaking, rub the cracked heels with a pumice stone or special foot smoothing that can peel the dry skin on the heel.

If you have, do not directly drain your heel. First foot scrub gel smeared evenly on the heel, accompanied by a light massage to soak into the skin of your feet. After that, clean and dry with a clean towel. Finally, the skin retain moisture and smooth legs, apply a moisturizing lotion containing many accompanied by mild massage.


  1. I used to have the same issue. Now my feet look flawless. When I was in my mid-thirties, cracked heels became a real dilemma for me. It seemed impossible to stop this condition with conventional products. My heels were so callused and cracked that they bled, not to mention it wasn’t a pretty sight. Some days I was in so much pain that I could hardly put weight on my heels. Using the callus remover alone did not help, but made the fissures just go deeper where it hurt even more. Even my physician had no recommendations for a cure. Over the course of years battling this condition, I tried out so many commercially available products, such as various Skin Moisturizers, Creams containing Aloe, Antifungal Creams and Sprays, Petroleum Jelly, diluted Bleach Treatment, Vinegar Soaks, and one particular ointment, heavily advertised on TV, that was sold for purposes of “Heel Repair” ……. None of them got rid of my cracks.
    I bought a supply of skin balm from an alternative healing practitioner a friend introduced me to on a trip to Germany back in 2006. After I had returned to the U.S. my heels were in bad shape from all the traveling. I began using the balm, applying it to the calluses on me heels once a day. I kept the balm on my nightstand where it would remind me to use it before bedtime. After just a few days, I noticed a huge difference. My hard calluses had turned soft and remained moist all day. It was so much easier to shave off the dead skin with the callus blade, and after the third week all the deep cracks on my heels had vanished. As I removed the thick skin layers on top, the new skin beneath looked healthier each week. After about six weeks of using this formula, even the faint fissures deep beneath the surface of the skin had disappeared. My heels looked so much better and felt elastic to the touch. I didn’t have to be self-conscious anymore to go barefoot or wear sandals in public. The family and friends who had noticed my callus problem before could not believe the difference and I received several compliments on how healthy my feet looked.
    About six months later, my supply of the formula I brought back from Germany ran out. At that time, a new product promising cracked heel therapy was being heavily advertised on TV. It really sounded fantastic and I was so excited that a U.S. vendor was finally offering a product with a potency to match the one I had found in Germany. I wanted to continue the state of my great looking feet, and so I purchased this new product. Although I had perfectly smooth heels when I started using this TV special, my heels slowly became hard and brittle again. I was disappointed. Fortunately, the friend who had introduced me to the German holistic practitioner was coming to visit me. I did not miss the opportunity to bargain for a re-supply of this amazing balm, but also negotiated to obtain the recipe, so I could duplicate it locally. I began making this balm for myself and shared it with those friends of mine who also suffered from dry and callused feet. They too love this balm, and it was them who recommended that I offer it on E-Bay. Everyone who has used this formula has made their dry heel problem a thing of the past.
    I am offering this balm on eBay now. You can find it there by searching for “Sure-Cure Balm”. You won’t have to change your lifestyle or wear funny socks (unless you like to) to make this work for you.
    Here is one more tip that worked for me when my cracks were so extreme that it felt like stepping on razor blades. I used Crazy Glue to fill in the cracks. This is only a temporary fix, but it allows you to put weight on your heels.

    Wishing you all the Best…

  2. thanks for the info you provide. This is very useful for people experiencing the same problem with cracked cracked heel

  3. I am using NightCare Gel Heel Socks after cleaning my foot and my foot look always clean and smooth.

