Friday, July 15, 2011

Tips dealing with gout

in this article Vit4u Blog will present nine tips are powerful to block uric acid. uric acid diseases are not addressed can be fatal to our bodies. One of these defects can cause the joints.  So, go see wrote the following tips.

1. Applying a healthy balanced diet by choosing complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, brown rice), lean protein (tofu), and healthy essential fats.

2. Identify low-purine diet. Among them: bananas, celery, parsley, red cabbage, cabbage, red peppers, and sour fruit. Those include foods that are good for gout sufferers. In addition, vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, mushrooms, peas, and cauliflower contain purine levels of being, so as not to affect the levels of uric acid in the blood.

3. Consumption of foods that have a uric acid-lowering agents and reduce inflammation, such as berries (blueberries, strawberries), tofu, olive oil, and others. Garlic is often called a magic herb that can help treat various diseases and useful in many body functions. Eat 3-5 cloves of garlic a day can help to overcome gout and improve overall body health. While parsley is also a diuretic, so it can help flush uric acid from the body. These vegetables can be consumed fresh or brewed as tea.

 4. Drinking tea and coffee. According to research from Boston Univerity and Harvard Medical School, drinking 2-4 cups of tea may reduce the risk of uric acid in women about 22 percent. While drinking coffee 4 cups per day, according to a similar study, reportedly can cut risk of developing gout by up to 50 persons more (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, August 2010). But if you can drink tea only from drinking too much coffee side effects are tolerable for women.

5. Take advantage of natural herbs.  
Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees) is a diuretic and anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory properties) that can help overcome arthritis in gout.  
Wild Ginger (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) germakron contain substances that are anti-inflammatory, too.  
Black pepper (Piper nigrum) may increase urination and is antiinflammatory. 
Leaves tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis) has flavonoids which are antioxidants that can inhibit the action of the enzyme reaction kesatin oxidase and superoxide, resulting in the formation of uric acid can be inhibited or reduced.

 6. Drink plenty of water (8 glasses a day) plus a juice or fresh fruit (tomatoes, oranges, pineapple, etc.).

7. Regular exercise 4-5 times a week for 30-45 minutes each workout. Can choose an easy exercise, like walking or jogging.

8. Reduce weight / diet if excessive.

9. Avoid foods high in purines such as anchovies, sardines, herring, yeast, organ meats (kidney, liver, lungs, tripe), fried beans, meat extract, and others. Also beer and alcoholic beverages. 

I hope the above tips can be useful for us.
or maybe you have to have different tips to cope with gout?

Signs of long-distance love relationship will succeed or not

Long-distance relationship is a major challenge in the romance. There are some couples who successfully go through, but some are eventually chose dropped out due to distance constraints.

How about you? Are you the type who can hook up a distance apart or not? As quoted from the Bounce Back, here are the things that could be considered before embarking on long-distance romance.

You will be hard to live a long distance relationship if:
- Like everything was spontaneous. You do not know what to do if you can not contact the lovers day. Whether it's to invite to dinner, watch a movie or just meet up to do. Like calling your partner and want to meet soon several hours afterward.

- You are not the type who likes to walk alone. Such as shopping, watching movies or eating in restaurants. Someone needs to accompany.

- Trying new things with the boyfriend, it is very important to you. Enjoying the sunset at the beach, learn to cook or go up the mountain for the first time, there will not be interesting if not accompanied by the couple.

- You used to talk about things large and small on the couple, as soon as you experience it. For example, a client who met a lot of talking, watching a traffic accident while driving to work or see people behaving strangely in public places. Sharing stories is the way you maintain emotional closeness with a partner.

Long-distance romance is not a problem for you, if:
- Hobbies travel far, either on business or leisure. You love traveling to different places by train, car or plane. You have an obsession meet the passport with the stamp of the various immigration offices abroad.

- Silence and not doing anything is the thing you hate, because it would be boring, uncreative and lazy. You are a person who likes to keep busy with various things and showing productivity in the work.

- You like to try new things, no issue should be alone or with others. Adventure armed only with a backpack, a map and improvised equipment, enough for you.

- You're the type who must have a space for themselves. Enjoying the 'me time' for you is very important. If it can be likened to, you're the type who likes to sleep in the middle, not the side of the bed.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

tips to overcome nausea during pregnant

Nausea during pregnancy is something that can not be avoided by a woman. But take it easy, there are some natural ways to eliminate them. The first is to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Should select drinks cold and clear, like clear water and soda.

Also try to eat fresh foods, like toast or crackers, in small portions. Avoid foods that are fried or greasy foods and foods that contain sugar as it will be able to worsen the nausea.

But most importantly, when consuming food or drink, go slow. After that, until the nausea passes, lie quietly in bed and avoid doing any activity.
one more, avoid eating hot and cold at the same time as it can trigger the nausea.

I hope the above tips useful for women who are pregnant and always experience nausea.

Bad effects of coffee for the female breast

Coffee is a beverage that is quite popular as a friend to relax and calm the mind. to the extent that there is the term coffee break to indicate a break during a meeting and so on. But behind the pleasure of coffee, it turns out there are many inherent dangers, especially for the health of our bodies. Moreover, does the caffeine content in it has the effect of 'opium' that could lead to someone addicted to coffee.

For women, consuming too much coffee can give a direct negative impact on their breasts. Here are some of the effects of coffee on the breast include:

1. Lump in breast  
Caffeine can cause fibrocystic breast, which contains cells that collect the fluid in the cysts that often make a lump or lumps in the breast. The characters in the form of lumps that move freely round the breast. These lumps are often tender when touched. Can be permanent or temporary nature, but certainly, the symptoms will get worse before menstruation and early pregnancy. Fibrocystic breast caffeine intake because it usually does not increase the risk of breast cancer and is also dependent on age and hormonal factors.

2. Pain in the breast  
In addition to causing lumps, caffeine also causes discomfort and pain in the breast. Caffeine intake can aggravate the pain if you have previously suffered from fibrocystic breasts. According to the Georgetown University Department of Medicine, this pain can come up continuously or only occasionally.

3. Breasts are solid  
Research at the University of Rochester Medical Center showed that a high intake of caffeine that causes fibrocystic changes in the breast can also lead to certain areas in the breast becomes solid.

4. Breast size tends to shrink  
Based on research, about half of the female population has a certain gene that makes fat tissue to shrink from too much coffee (three cups per day or more). As a result, they will tend to slack breasts and shrinking. For those who are conducting exercises to enlarge the breasts of course this can be detrimental and is obligatory to be avoided.

tips to overcome cracked heel

Having beautiful feet is a dream for every woman but for men it is also important.
What happens when the
cracked heel experienced by you must have your feet will not be beautiful anymore.

in this article Vit4u Blog will share tips to overcome the
cracked heel with natural ingredients that are very easy in the can.

okay just let us see his tips below: 

At first, prepare warm water that had added salt and soak your feet in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. Do not forget to clean your feet first yes. during soaking, rub the cracked heels with a pumice stone or special foot smoothing that can peel the dry skin on the heel.

If you have, do not directly drain your heel. First foot scrub gel smeared evenly on the heel, accompanied by a light massage to soak into the skin of your feet. After that, clean and dry with a clean towel. Finally, the skin retain moisture and smooth legs, apply a moisturizing lotion containing many accompanied by mild massage.