Monday, February 20, 2012

How to treat chicken pox in traditional medicine

Chicken pox is a contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus infection. Can spread through the air, respiratory secretions, or direct contact with smallpox patients skin.

Symptoms of Chickenpox
Chicken pox is usually marked by the emergence of low grade fever, headache, cold, decreased appetite, and the appearance of red spots on the skin in the form of bubbles and filled with fluid (rash). The rash is generally itch and pain.

Many of you who think that chicken pox will only attack once a lifetime, but chicken pox can strike anyone, including those that have ever been exposed to smallpox at all, although probably small.

Treatment of Chickenpox
To treat patients with chickenpox, listen the following tips:
- Bathing with warm water.
- Sprinkle the powder on the anti-itch skin pox.
- Change clothes more often.
- Do not scratch the affected small-pox.

Traditional medicine Chickenpox
To treat chickenpox, can use herbal prescription follows:

Chickenpox Drugs (Topical)
For mustard, use a mixture of turmeric with enough tamarind leaves which had been washed and chopped. Then apply a skin on the chicken pox.

Smallpox Drug (Oral)
For medicinal drink, can use two mature Noni fruit has been in the juice. Then take the ingredients of two times a day.

Hopefully prescription how traditional and chickenpox is beneficial for the heart you have chickenpox.


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